Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Anniversary!!

Today is my anniversary. 11 years of holy wedded bliss. lol Today is a day that I always think about how much my husband does for me everyday. He is keeping up the house right now because I have been working so much. I couldn't do it without him at home helping me so much. He runs our limo business, keeps track of our finances and keeps them out of the red, he cleans, cooks, bathes, launders, and makes sure our kids get where they need to go and have their vitamins and brush their teeth. He is such a help to me. I know I couldn't do it without him. Don't get me wrong, we fight plenty. But the good times far outweigh the bad. Thank you Ryan!! I love you!!

1 comment:

The Clark Clan! said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!! When is your date night?