Friday, December 11, 2009

Poor Mirror

So my sister and I went to Las Vegas for a conference. The first night we were there I hit a cement pilar with my mirror when it wouldn't move out of the way. Poor mirror. Called my husband and he ordered the mirror the next day and installed it for me when I got home. What a ditzy thing to do. lol
Before: After:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jeremy's Birthday!!

Oh my gosh my baby turned 6 yesterday. I can't believe it!! He is so big. We took him spiderman cupcakes to his class. Then we let him decide where he wanted to go to dinner and he wanted Texas Roadhouse (I might have influenced that one lol). Here are some pictures from our night.
And you will notice Dad is not in any of the pictures because he never lets me take his picture and last night was no exception. :(

The Birthday Boy with his presents

His sister who didn't want her picture taken
Mom and the Birthday Boy
The Birthday Boy opening his presents
Just a cute little smile from the Birthday Boy
He was not happy about getting in the what a face! But notice the prized Spidey ring!
And like last year....he got sick on his birthday. He was up on and off all night coughing and coughing. He had several breathing treatments and started him on steroids so his asthma would not get worse when he was sick. :( Poor baby!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Weddings

We had a weekend of weddings the weekend before Halloween. First on Friday night was Ryans youngest brother, Chris' wedding. We had so much fun!!! Here is just a couple of pics of the brothers (in birth order) and their wives.
First, us

Second, John and Sabrina

Third, Greg and Shannon

4th, and a drumroll please....the bride and groom, Chris and Trish.

More pics to follow on other posts.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Samanthas Floor

This is Samanthas beautiful flooring my hubby just installed. It was the last room with carpet. So now I have and entire carpet free house. :) I will post a pic of the room put back together when it is. lol
I'm participating at A Soft Place to Land, Between Naps on the Porch and Shades of on the links below for some great inspiration!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Just want to let you all know that I won the giveaway!!!!! Woohoo!!! I am so excited I am getting my little owl pillow :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Red Roost Giveaway

I found a link to this darling blog on my sisters blog and they are having cute little giveaway. They are giving away a darling little throw pillow. Your choice. I personally love the little owl one. Here is the link check it out:

Old News...New Pictures

Both my babies had big first days of school this year. Jeremy started Kindergarten and Samantha started middle schoo. :( They were both so excited. And their mom was so sad and scared for them to grow up. They both love it and are doing so well. Their teachers love them, and say what a joy they are to have in class.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cute Christmas Crafts

I actually finished some of the crafts I started last year for Christmas and some for this year as  well.  These are Super Saturday crafts that I have finished.  Won’t I be able to put up some cute decor items this year? (Sorry about the quality of the pictures, I took them with my phone)

avent calendar hoho blocks

Christms sign

I am participating in DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land, click below to join up!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Cute Kids

We went to Road Runner Sports with Ryan and the kids were playing so cute together I had to take a picture (one of the rare times that they play nice with echother lol). Samantha was taking Jeremy for a ride in the jogging stroller. lol

Jeremys Artwork

We went to Grandma's last night and he was creating masterpieces. He made this whole display of his artwork. Grandma kept hanging them up so he kept making them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Crazy Boy

Jeremy was begging me to take his picture last night with my new phone. So I said smile and this is what he did. It made me laugh cuz he is such a goof ball. Just one of those moments you think they are so cute!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


This is where I found my kitties this afternoon. Which was nice to have them in the same room and not fighting. Sophie doesn't like the new kitty very much. :(

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Claw Machine

We stopped at a rest stop on our way to Utah and Jeremy was goofing off with the claw machine. Apparently someone left money in it cuz he won this and gave it to his cousin Emma.

Samanthas Hair

This summer we took the kids for a haircut. Samantha was insistent that she didn't want to get it even trimmed. Then when we got there we looked at style books and she decided to cut it. We donated 10 inches to locks of love and she loves her hair now. :)


The Donation


Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Kitty

This is our new kitty we got in July. This was his first night in his new home. He has grown a ton and is not scared or shy anymore. He annoys Sophie our female 8 year old cat to death. She hisses at him constantly. We were waiting for Samantha to come home so we could name him and just started calling him Kitty Kitty and it got shortened to Kiki and so far that's his name. Poor guy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

High School Musical on ice

When my parents were here my mom and I had the opportunity to take the kids to see HSM on ice. The skating was nothing remakable but the kids had a blast!! And they wanted cotton candy so of course you get robbed buying stuff like that. We had to pay 10 bucks because it came with this beautiful silver glitter hat. Jeremy loved it!! It was his most prized posession and here is a picture of him wearing it:

Cleaning for the parents arrival

Before my parents arrived we did a lot of overdue "spring cleaning" and organizing. Here's a couple of funny pictures from our adventures in cleaning:

Jeremy put on all the fun things we found and this is what he came up with. lol

This is what we found in my daughters trundle. lol I am so organized I have no idea where she would have got that from. rofl!!!

birthday cake

Samantha's birthday "cake". I thought he turned out so cute!!

Okay Okay

I know I have not blogged in like......forever. I am sorry. Life got the better of me. The holidays, then my parents coming to visit. I just got out of the habit. I am sorry. :( I will try to keep up. Samantha's birthday is on the 25th. I made her a cake while my parents were here because we celebrated with them. I will make another post to include pictures of the cake. I was actually cupcakes. She loved it. We had a nice visit with my parents. It was a little chaotic and stressful because we looked at a lot of houses as they are thinking of moving here. We also saw a few we loved for us too. lol My mom has been getting headaches for no unknown reason and we have been worried. She had an mri last week and it showed that everything is fine. Whew what a relief. She has an appointment this week with a neurologist to see what they can do about it. So that is my life in a nutshell right now.